Don't be rude to the developers on forums who do all this magic in their spare time.Copying through USB is often faster than FTP unless you're on top of your router. Get content you want for your PS Vita with the Vita Better Homebrew Browser.If an app really won't play ball, reinstalling it often helps.Error C2-12828-1 is our common enemy, here's some advice for that, but generally, restarting or reloading apps until they work is the way forward. PSVITA VITAISLAND ROBINHOOD HomeBrewJoin Robinhood with my link and we'll both get a free stock.Changelog v0.91 Fix icons extraction v0.90 Support for auto updating VHBB.

VHBB allows you to browse and install homebrew for the Vita using a GUI and your internet connection.
Remarks: Make sure you're connected to a Wifi network prior to launching it. Vita Homebrew Browser (aka VHBB) is a homebrew app store for your homebrew enabled Sony Playstation Vita portable video gaming console. The size of your memory card is the only limitation. Black screens often mean something is downloading or unpacking, don't panic. Vita Homebrew Browser A homebrew store for the PS Vita / PlayStation TV / VitaTV.Quite often these apps take a few goes to run properly.This is the most common error, we probably see it once a week over in our forum. ux0:data/psp2core-1636644227 2dmp' Many people have issues with VHBB, even the newer version. browsers) as the hackers attempted to reopen them or work out ways of downgrading to 1.5. The only problem is the vita homebrew browser which gives me error C2 12828 1 and followed by the written ' Saved Core File Succeeded. Vita Homebrew Browser, VHBB in short, is a homebrew utility by devnoname120 for hacked PlayStation Vita and PSTV consoles that lets you download and install homebrew directly on your device.

TOP TIP from the comments, make sure you can see hidden protected files in the Windows file transfer step (from memory card to memory card), otherwise the process doesn't work properly. and the PS Vita too underused, to be of concern to us.
Then watch this 12-minute video to see how to install SD2Vita to expand your storage and use non-Sony memory cards to keep your legal collection (and emulators or homebrew games) safe. With that done, you will probably want to expand your storage with an SD2Vita card converter and a hefty MicroSD card (Amazon links) to store your games.